Hello! My name is Wiz. I'm a 22 year old queer stuck in the 70s making a furry webpage about himself for 90s computers on a 2024 gaming desktop...
I know I'm weird. It's ok. You can say it. Anyways, I'm a reasonably burnt out college graduate currently working as a cybersecurity instructor for my local community college. Hell, downtime between semesters is exactly how
this webpage came to be.
The car has been everywhere with me. It travels annually to Furry Takeover in North Carolina to go drive on the Tail of the Dragon with my friends. It's a wonderful roadtrip car and constantly makes people smile. I hope
to someday take the car even more places. Perhaps even across the country :D
It's everything I want in a car, and while it is absolutely shabby around the edges, it's my pile of garbage to love and love it I do!
Around 16 years of age is when I became a furry and started taking more interest in cosplay. I've always loved animals, (especially cats) but the idea of being a furry and getting cute art of something I created and creating my own
little space for it all (see: this website) grew more and more until I went for it! Maybe someday I'll even make a fursuit ;)
I currently have 3 characters:
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Wiz and Win go back with me quite far, but I'm not the person I was when I created them, so they get to be mascots for the page. Wes is the actual fursona :3
Moving on, I love working with all sorts of weird, wonderful, good, and bad things. From 1960s background music machines to station wagons to artisinal electronic projects, I kinda try and do a lot, even if it overwhelms me.
I've always been fascinated with the history of devices we use today, as well as by the often-times ingenious and simple ways our products used to function. The mechanics and electronics of these devices is very interesting to me.
The struggle with projects though is helped extensively by the person I love most: CJ
CJ does a lot of the same things I do, and always offers to help me when I can't figure something out, or if I'm burnt out on something and just want it done. He's the most loving boyfriend someone like me could've
ever asked for, and I'm incredibly fortunate to have him in my life, especially when he knows so much about the things I also care about. I've linked his page up above in white, and I highly recommend checking out his page, as well
as the work he's done for UnixHaters and the wonderful people in New Jersey with the Vintage Computer Federation.
Outside of cars, computers, and animal people, I've always been interested in art and science. NASA science in particular has always been incredibly interesting to me. Reading reports about the crazy, wonderful, and beautiful things
we find outside of the confines of our celestial home is deeply interesting to me, and I love following current missions as well as upcoming ones that will only help to continue our knowledge of the universe itself.
Missions like Voyager, New Horizons, Cassini, Mars MER, and of course the Shuttle are particularly fascinating to me. I lament the muting of science in favor of private interest coming from companies like SpaceX. Their contributions to space
are incalculably massive, but the motives behind why they are doing it are based in greed and the self-interest of a madman, not in the collective improvement of the world's knowledge of science and technology. Federal agencies like NASA exist for this purpose,
and it's frustrating to see the value of learning for the sake of learning diminish over time.
Interior design is another thing I love. I've always been a fan of how architecture ties into societal trends and political movements. The triumphant victories and tragic defeats in the thousands of years of human existence can be archived by the structures we designed; the homes we built; and the societies that created them.
Finally, I'm a huge music nerd. I focus primarily on post-punk, gothic rock, and then into grunge and 90s alt-rock, but I've branched out into other genres here and there as well.
It ties into a lot of my interests in technology as synthesizers became more and more common, as well as the anti-war, socialist, LGBT, and other messages I support.
I've also been playing bass since the beginning of 2022, and while I'm nothing special, I'm plenty capable of playing the songs I like, and that makes me happy. :)
I think that's about it though. That's me in a nutshell. Feel free to explore the rest of this page, or go on with the rest of your day. Whatever you do, enjoy it while you do it <3