The Wysiwyg Archives

Contacting the Wiz!

So you wanna talk to The Wiz? Well, I've got good news! There's a handful of ways you can reach out to me, but I should qualify this with a few FAQs that I get from people from time to time:

Here's all the places you can find me!

discord iconFind me on discord! I run my own server, albeit not with a lot of activity. Maybe you can help change that! Catch me at @thewiz or join the server with this link:

bluesky iconI don't use BlueSky a whole lot, but when I do, you can find me at

twitter iconI hate Twitter. I try not to use it at all. It does however contain a large history from various projects in my past. You can find it at @wyswyg_protogen

email icontShould a resonance cascade wipe everything out, you can always email me at wysiwygprotogen[at]